Hydra W3C Community Group Teleconference Minutes
The public Hydra W3C CG teleconferences and all of the decisions made in those meetings are listed below. Each link takes you to the full text and, if available, the audio recording of the meeting. There's a separate page describing how to attend or run a conference call.
- Minutes for 2019-11-26
- ACTION: Add an informational paragraph to the specs with hints on how to treat additional data from the API documentation [permalink]
- Minutes for 2019-11-12
- ACTION: Karol will provide example for the querying approach [permalink]
- Minutes for 2019-09-03
- ACTION: Karol_Szczepanski will create a PR with range of the hydra:expect downgrade to hydra:Resource and introduce rangeIncludes with hydra:Class [permalink]
- ACTION: serialseb will provide raw use case scenarios of what may be needed regarding non-RDF payloads and content negotiation [permalink]
- ACTION: Karol_Szczepanski will take care of #197 [permalink]
- Minutes for 2019-06-25
- Minutes for 2019-05-28
- Minutes for 2019-05-14
- Minutes for 2019-04-30
- Minutes for 2019-04-08
- Minutes for 2019-03-25
- ACTION: Karol_Szczepanski to create a cookbook example and documentation changes for #186 [permalink]
- ACTION: Karol_Szczepanski close PR 186 and open a cookbook story with expectsMediaType/expects (and returns equiavelents) [permalink]
- ACTION: tpluskiewicz is to hookup slack with tweeter [permalink]
- Minutes for 2019-02-18
- ACTION: tpluskiewicz comes with a code of conduct regarding vocabulary modifications/extensions [permalink]
- Minutes for 2019-01-28
- Minutes for 2019-01-14
- ACTION: lorenzo-tuned will prepare a brief of advantages or disadvantages of starting an organization, i.e. responsibilities or benefits or legal requirements known to him [permalink]
- ACTION: rubenverborgh will provide a brief agenta of that discussion [permalink]
- ACTION: migration of the TPF repos to separate one within HydraCG [permalink]
- ACTION: tpluskiewicz: describe on how to proceed with PR's [permalink]
- Minutes for 2019-01-07
- Minutes for 2018-11-12
- Minutes for 2018-10-01
- Minutes for 2018-04-16
- Minutes for 2018-04-02
- ACTION: Markus to write down a proposal on how a expects "request shape" could look like [permalink]
- Minutes for 2018-03-19
- Minutes for 2018-03-05
- ACTION: Thomas to convert ISSUE-156 into a use case document [permalink]
- Minutes for 2018-02-05
- Minutes for 2018-01-08
- Minutes for 2017-12-11
- Minutes for 2017-11-27
- Minutes for 2017-10-30
- ACTION: Pavlik to create a PR to harmonize the usage of prefixes in our use case documents [permalink]
- Minutes for 2017-10-16
- ACTION: Tomasz to extend use case 5 to include all issues discussed today [permalink]
- Minutes for 2017-10-02
- RESOLVED: Merge Heracles PR-10 [permalink]
- Minutes for 2017-09-18
- RESOLVED: Merge Heracles.ts PR-11 [permalink]
- ACTION: Karol to analyse Jiira/Confluence APIs [permalink]
- ACTION: Pavlik to analyse meetup.com and look for another one [permalink]
- ACTION: Markus will analyze some Google APIs [permalink]
- ACTION: Tomasz will analyze Huddle & Foxycart [permalink]
- RESOLVED: Merge PR-140 (https://github.com/HydraCG/Specifications/pull/140) [permalink]
- ACTION: Markus to combine PR-10 & PR-12 and send them out for review later this week [permalink]
- Minutes for 2017-09-04
- Minutes for 2017-08-21
- RESOLVED: Merge PR #132 that uses the manages block to advertise type of collection members [permalink]
- ACTION: Pavlik to add some more use cases that illustrate the manages feature introduced in PR #132 [permalink]
- ACTION: Pavlik to create a use case for issue #134 (adding existing resources to collections) [permalink]
- Minutes for 2017-07-10
- RESOLVED: Use reviewable.io for code reviews going forward [permalink]
- RESOLVED: Use MIT license for Heracles.ts (issue #4) [permalink]
- RESOLVED: Merge Ruben's "Hydra architectural diagram" PR #128 (will be used to organize our work) [permalink]
- RESOLVED: As a guiding principle, we will start designing/defining new concepts in Hydra instead of trying to reuse bits and pieces of various vocabularies from the get-go. If we later discover that there's a considerable overlap with an existing vocabulary we may decide to use it instead of our own solution. [permalink]
- ACTION: Pavlik, to expand use cases to make it clear why we need a solution to issue #126 [permalink]
- Minutes for 2017-06-26
- RESOLVED: Merge schema.org actions PR #125 [permalink]
- ACTION: Markus will try to find a tool which will help us with PR reviews; it's currently difficult to keep track what has been addressed and what hasn't [permalink]
- ACTION: Markus to rename issue #126 to not suggest a solution [permalink]
- ACTION: Pavlik to drive discussion regarding #126 after the issue has been renamed [permalink]
- Minutes for 2017-06-12
- RESOLVED: Set up a new, empty Heracles.ts repository under the HydraCG organization on GitHub [permalink]
- Minutes for 2017-05-29
- RESOLVED: Going forward, Pavlik will send out the agenda 3 days before the call [permalink]
- RESOLVED: Merge Karol's PRs #116 #117 #122 #123 #124 [permalink]
- RESOLVED: Merge PR #121 [permalink]
- RESOLVED: Send Markus a mail to be invited to the Github organization; Markus will grant read-only access to any member of the CG that asks for it [permalink]
- ACTION: Pavlik to come up with a proposal for a test suite to be used for the development of reference client [permalink]
- ACTION: Markus to propose name of repository for Karol's TypeScript reference client under HydraCG organization on GitHub [permalink]
- Minutes for 2017-05-15
- Minutes for 2017-05-01
- RESOLVED: Merge PR #113, #114, and #115 [permalink]
- Minutes for 2017-04-17
- ACTION: Karol to create a first version of a markdown document describing client/server interactions before next telecon [permalink]
- RESOLVED: Go ahead and merge Dietrich's pull request [permalink]
- RESOLVED: Move the architectural diagram into the main repo and keep iterating on it [permalink]
- RESOLVED: Concentrate primarily on examples to get things moving again, iterate, implement and finally update the spec [permalink]