
Hydra W3C Community Group Telecon

Minutes for 2017-11-27

Action Items
  1. Markus to render the use case documents on the Hydra homepage
  2. Tomasz to come up with a rough structure of how the documentation should look like
Markus Lanthaler
Karol Szczepański
Markus Lanthaler, Karol Szczepański, Tomasz Pluskiewicz
Audio Log
Due to technical issues, the minutes aren't complete. Please listen to the audio file.
Karol Szczepański is scribing.
Markus Lanthaler: sorry folks, I'm having issues with my connection
Markus Lanthaler: I'll try to join via my mobile
Tomasz Pluskiewicz: what would be a procedure to expand specification with new features
Markus Lanthaler: PR would be a good starting point
Tomasz Pluskiewicz: shall we create an issue first and then a PR?
Markus Lanthaler: keeping use cases, reference client and spec in sync with few contributors may be quite difficult
Markus Lanthaler: ideal spec would be both specification and documentation altogether
Markus Lanthaler: as pure spec would be to formal, plain documentation would not have all the formalities required to make it work
Tomasz Pluskiewicz: maybe we shall publish the use cases as i.e. a website and then interlink it with the spec to provide examples, etc.
Tomasz Pluskiewicz: I just bounce between the spec and my attempts to use hydra and end up with not knowing on how to use i.e. templates or paging, etc.
ACTION: Markus to render the use case documents on the Hydra homepage
ACTION: Tomasz to come up with a rough structure of how the documentation should look like